Thursday, April 1, 2010

Changing My Lifestyle

Recently Ella Mae and I had our blood tested for cholesterol and other stuff. Her numbers came back good, but I have some serious issues. Here are my results:

Total Cholesterol - 220
HDL - 28
LDL - 162
Triglycerides - 157
CHOL/HDLC Ratio - 7.9

I have been wanting to do something about my weight, but just haven't got motivated enough to do it. So now I have motivation. I want to try to improve these numbers without medication, so here is where I plan to start:

Walk 30 minutes per day
Cut out french fries, chips, fast food and related junk
Increase intake of vegetables, fruits, raw nuts, etc.
Vitamin Supplements
And a few other things!

So there will be no more posts about cheeseburgers, food, etc. Sorry. But if I find out any cools stuff about lowering cholesterol, I might let you know about that.

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