Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mrs. Martin Bowling

Good-By Old Friend

Today I sold my '95 Astro van. I had for 8 years and put 225,000 miles on it. It served us well and is still running great. But three vans is too many plus I needed to make room for my new ride.

Friday, May 30, 2008

This is Disturbing

They Would Have Loved Him

In the book, Jesus for President, it talks about how the three tempatation of Jesus all had to do with political power. Speaking of the last temptation - "If Jesus had staged this stunt at the temple (which he would later call a den of thieves), he could have used his might to mezmerize the powerful and the elite, winning religious legitimization."

Jesus was not about improving the existing polical system through power and influence. He wanted a new way, a city on a hill, that will attract people to a home of love and acceptance.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Confession

Well, I didn't make it. After just two day, Amazon won over and I bought a book. "Jesus for President" by Shane Claiborne & Chris Haw. One of the many things that I have been rethinking is the Christians relationship to the State. I even voted this year for the first time. Here is a quote from the book which quotes Tony Campollo "Mixing the church and state is like mixing ice cream and manure. It may not do much to the manure but it sure messes up the ice cream." It sure looks like it will be an interesting read.

And this is the last book that I buy from Amazon for awhile. I promise...(my fingers are crossed.)

Black Creek

Here is a picture from Black Creek's performance last Sunday. This is during an instrumental so that is why we are all looking down at our instruments.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Randy's little chevy and Nate's big Ford.


I almost forgot to take a picture before they were all eaten. The best ribs I ever made.

Slow Cookin' for the Next 4-5 Hours

The Ribs

The ribs were put on the top rack.

The Chicken

After marinating the chicken thighs for awhile, they were place on the bottom rack of the smoker.

Memorial Day Project

All of the kids are coming for supper so I decided to barbeque some ribs and chicken. Here are the ribs coated with my secret rub recipe. Actually it's not a secret, I found it on the internet - it's just a secret where I found it.

Back to Scripture

Lately, I have been reading a lot of books. Sometime I think that I might be's best customer. From many of these books, I have learned much about God's love and grace that has been life changing in so many ways. So, now I have decided to get back into the Bible in a more consistent and deeper way and cut way back on my other reading. As I read, I want to look at scripture from the perspective of love, grace and God's power to change lives instead of a legalistic, guilt and shame driven view. I just hope I can resist the temptation to buy that new have-to-have book from Amazon. Feel free to ask me in a few weeks how I am doing.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Photo Shoot

This evening we took pictures to use for our CD, posters, etc. The car is a '49 Ford.

My First Live Gig With Black Creek

Here we are doing sound check. I got so wrapped up in what I was doing that I forgot to take any more pictures. Next time maybe.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Playing at McDonalds

Out With the Old

They are in the process of taking out the old motor.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Steel Man

Meet Harry, the steel guitar player for Black Creek. We are soundin' country now for sure!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My New Toy

It needs a new motor which Randy and his friend Kevin are going to install. More pics later.



They would rather swing their babies than swing themselves.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Longwood Gardens

Longwood Gardens

Longwood Gardens

Bird of Paradise

Longwood Gardens

Today Ella Mae and I went with friends to Longwood Gardens. The tulips were out and very beautiful.