Thursday, April 29, 2010

Does God Have A Specific Plan for Your Life?

I've been working through some possible major changes in my life and have been wondering what God would want me to do? Does he have a plan that he has all figured out for me to follow perfectly or I'll miss a blessing, or does he just let some stuff up to us to figure out. And then the following blog popped up in my RSS feed. I thought it was helpful.

Does God Have a Specific Plan for Your Life? Probably Not.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Guard Dogs & Bird Dogs

"Tonight Doug talked to me about the difference between guard dogs and bird dogs, relating them to theologically minded folks within the community of faith. Guard dogs are focused on what they can keep ‘out’, while bird dogs are running around ‘out there’ dragging in all kinds of stuff, which doesn’t exactly make the guard dogs happy. As you can probably figure out, he considers me a bird dog."

— This is a paragraph from William P. Young’s email newsletter. He wrote ‘The Shack’. You can find him at

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Randy & I Went to See The Orioles Today

Randy bought himself a foam finger.
Watching the game.

It was a perfect day for baseball!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Changing My Lifestyle

Recently Ella Mae and I had our blood tested for cholesterol and other stuff. Her numbers came back good, but I have some serious issues. Here are my results:

Total Cholesterol - 220
HDL - 28
LDL - 162
Triglycerides - 157
CHOL/HDLC Ratio - 7.9

I have been wanting to do something about my weight, but just haven't got motivated enough to do it. So now I have motivation. I want to try to improve these numbers without medication, so here is where I plan to start:

Walk 30 minutes per day
Cut out french fries, chips, fast food and related junk
Increase intake of vegetables, fruits, raw nuts, etc.
Vitamin Supplements
And a few other things!

So there will be no more posts about cheeseburgers, food, etc. Sorry. But if I find out any cools stuff about lowering cholesterol, I might let you know about that.