Friday, March 14, 2008

What's Important?

I've been working my way through Larry Crabb's online counseling course at which, by the way, I highly recommend. And it's free! On the last video that I watch, he said something like this: "Only when you want something better will you give up something that you shouldn't have or do."

In my own life, and in the lives of many of the guys I work with, we focus so much on the things we can't have or do. We tend to look at sin as something fun that God doesn't allow. So we really want it, but we know we shouldn't so we work hard at forcing down our real desires. And so it becomes a function of my will. Am I strong enough to hold. Usually not.

When start looking at sin the way God does, we realize that sin is hurtful and destructive, that pleasure is momentary and the consequences severe. And when we have the desire to seek after God more than anything else, when we live in his love and grace, when we want to know him in a deeper way, other desires and temptations become less powerful. Or as Larry says, you are making progress "when your interior world becomes more like Jesus so that your central delight is God and your central passion is to reveal what he is like to others." This is also true in the negative. When our deepest desire is to make money, get high, enjoy a hobby, etc., we sacrifice family, health, money and other things to achieve our goal.

Jesus commented on this many times. Here are two of the occasions;

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21 NKJV)

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33 NKJV)

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