Saturday, June 14, 2008

Kicking But in Ephesus

As you may recall in an earlier post, I had made a commitment to read other books less and the Bible more. Well, in my reading, I got hung up in the book of Ephesians where God's posture toward us is explained to vividly. He blesses us, loved us before he made the world, chose us, adopted us (because that's what he wanted to do and it gave him great pleasure), pours out his grace (ability) on us, purchased our freedom, forgave our sins, showed us his riches of mercy and kindness, unites us in Christ, identifies us as his own child, gives us confident hope and much more!

I also did some word studies and I decided to search the word but. I also included the word instead. Here is what I found.

Considering our identity:
*Once we were dead - but God gave us life through Jesus.
*Once we were without God and hope - but now we have been united with Christ and brought near to God
*Before the mystery of Christ was hidden - but now it has been revealed by the Holy Spirit.
*We use to live lost, confused, selfish, immoral, sinful, etc - but we have learned a new way from Christ.

Considering how we live out our new identity through Christ:
*Throw off the former way of life - instead let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.
*Quit stealing - instead work and give
*Get rid of harsh words, slander, etc. - instead be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving.
*No obscene stories, foolish talking and jokes - instead be thankful. (ouch!)
*Were full of darkness - but now full of light.
*Have no part of evil deeds - but instead expose them (in ourselves)
*Don't live like a fool- but be wise
*Don't act thoughtlessly - but understand what the Lord wants you to do. (ouch again!)
*Don't get drunk - but be filled with the Spirit. (it's a matter of what controls you.)
*We are not fighting against flesh and blood (people) - but evil rulers, unseen powers, evil spirits (remember who the enemy is).

God wants to work a new way of living in us, not because he gets so angry if we don't, but because it brings him great pleasure (glory and honor) so see his children living is love and peace.

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